Thursday 3 October 2013

Paper Knitting

Knitting has been known from a long time ago. The early European knitting started since the 13th century. Knitting itself was a method to make clothes, etc. by using two long needles to connect thread into joined rows.

Today there were some artists that use knitting for their sculpture.

Ivano Vitali is one of artists who use knitting for his sculpture. He was a paper artist who made his own threads using newspaper and knitted them. He started to use newspaper as his main medium on 1995 and started to knit newspaper on 2002. He never uses glue for his works and never paints them. The color was based on the paper he was using. In 2004, he made a dress out of newspaper “La Gazzetta dllo Sport”. His newspaper clothes were wearable and he did some fashion exhibitions with his paper clothes.

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