Friday 4 October 2013

Extreme Art Sizes

 People does art in a huge difference of size. Although there were standard on the size like a4, a3, a1, b2, etc., they still made much more bigger or much more smaller size for their artworks.
Like this person who made a tiniest sculpture in the world, on a sewing needle hole, Willard Wigan. He made his sculpture using a grain of sand which is slowly carved  and painted them. This super small size sculpture was even taken looking through a microscope.

Another one is the world's largest artwork by Joe and Max in London. They did the largest 3D painting with 12490.441 square feet in size.


Sculpture is one of the main branch in fine art. Sculpture is a piece of 3D works that uses various mediums like clay, woods, steel, wire, found objects, etc. There were also various techniques, such as carving, molding, assembling, etc. carving usually uses woods or metal plate as its medium. carving tools like carving knives were used to cut off some parts so it builds up a new form. While molding usually uses clay as its medium. A synthetic material is used to make the molder and after that another craving tools were used for touch up. Lastly, assembling was a technique to reconstruct things, putting up things together harmoniously. Anykind of things can be used for assemblage, such as found objects, woodblocks, and many more.


Every color has their own meaning psycologically and physically. There were colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and there were neutral color like brown, black, grey, and white.
Red means bravery, and energetic. Also considered to draw attention so it was mainly used for danger signs.
Orange is a mixture between red and yellow. It does have a barve and enegry but in a lighter way and also has the happy side.
Yellow means enlightment, happiness, joy, and creativity.
Green means balance between cool and warm (blue and yellow), ecofriendly, fresh. But sometimes it could be interprated as sickness and slime.
Blue means calmness and soothing. Sometimes it could be cold and freezing.
Purple means balance, royal and creative.

Neutral colors has less emotions than the colourful. It has more elegance and depth. Black has elegance and darkness. While white is pureness and clear.

Sauce Dispensiing Chopstick

Sauce dispensing chopstick was design by Michelle Cheung. It was creatively made by adding a sauce dispensing to a chopstick for the lazy people nowadays. It works by pressing the tube and the sauce will come out from the tip of the chopstick. You can actually buy this chopstick, but since it was not world widely known so it was a bit pricey.
I think this chopstick was very innovative. Especially these days there are
more people getting lazy even to do small things like dipping the food to the sauce. Beside the function I also like the design. I think it looks cool with half transparent filled with some liquid.

"The Children Who Chase Lost Voices"

"The Children Who Lost Voices" was a movie made by Makoto Shinkai in 2009 and released on 2011. it was an adventure, romance, fantasy movie which has a very nice story line and unique character designs.
Sinca Shinkai was inspired by Hayao Miyazaki, he made some characters, the creatures a bit similar to Miyazaki's Nausicaa.
The story was very unusual, full of fantasy. He made as if myth were true in the movie, and also he showed how strong love is in a different way, extraordinary. But the thing that i do not really like from this movie is the dubbed version. The dubber voice did not goes really well with the character. so the feel is not really felt for me.

Makoto Shinkai

Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese graphic designer, illutstrator and a film director. He was born in 1973 and went to shuo university in Japan for his studies. He started his career on 1994 after he graduated. he works for 5 years at falcom, a game company doing short movie clip and making game websites. Then in 1999 he made a short clip around 5 minutes titled "She and Her Cat". The animation won a grand pize in an animation contest and then in 2000 he started to think to start to his own movie, "Voices of a Distant Star" and followed by "The Place Promise in Early Days" in 2004. He take a rest to London in 2008 and then made another film "children who chase lost voice in the deep" that was released in 2011 was quite famous. and
He was called "the Next Miyazaki" since he does anime movie just like Hayao Miyazaki. I like his art a lot, the last movie that he made "Gardens of Words" has a very nice animation. Especially how he does the rain effect since usually people made rain effect just by using straight lines in same direction, but Shinkai made in like natural rain where the raindrops goes in random direction and he made the splash effect on the ground with water effects.

Thursday 3 October 2013

ENPA poster

This is a poster from September 2009 about raising the publics’ awareness on animal testing. Using domestic animals as a medium for tests are very common for cosmetics, but many people buy these products without knowing this fact. The poster highlights the issue with a bold image. It shows a puppy lying dead in a pool of blood made of various red colored cosmetic items.

The poster is effective in guilt-tripping people who buy these products. It delivers a message saying that every time you buy a product, you are inadvertently killing an animal. The poster uses a puppy since it is cute and portrays the innocence of the animals. The striking red color is very vibrant and provides contrast with the grey, making the poster stand out.