Wednesday 28 August 2013

Extraordinary Japan

Japan has inspired me a lot. This cherry blossom country has a very unique culture especially in their traditions, festivals, and arts. Their local people really appriciate their own uniqueness, even when international trends were coming in.

Japan's tradition never fades out, there where temples everywhere, in small village nor in big crowded city like Tokyo. They still believes in their strong belief on expelling demons away, by having a charm, praying in temple, drink a "holy" water, even in some part of Japan, parents thought their children to do a kind of "game" which someone pretends to be the ogre or the demon, and kids will throw beans to the ogre. This game were actually means expelling demons away from their home.

Japan also has a lot of festivals. It was estimated around 100000 festivals held per year. These festivals were usually held by temple or shrine, and each shrine or temple held at least one festival per year. There were lots of festivals type too, from religious festivals, fire festivals, dancing festivals, snow festivals, music festivals, performance festivals, and many more. They also had a quiet festival until a wild and dangerous festival. These festivals attracts so much attention from local people in town, outside town, and also tourists.

Beside that, Japan arts is extraordinarily famous. The modern manga, comic books, until the old fashioned prints they were super unique. People around the world knows it. Even international people starts too study them and one of them is me! I love mangas, i love how they are being draw. It has lots of difference compared to American's comics. Japan's manga has less realism than American's, which make it unique but still shows up as a human figure. Thats why I love it. I love extraordinary!

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